National Plant Germplasm Coordinating Committee Notes

Beltsville, MD

June 16- 17



Lee Sommers (ESCOP)          Dan Upchurch (ARS)            By phone:

Jerry Arkin (ESCOP)              P.S. Benepal (NIFA)              Tim Cupka (ASTA)

Ed Kaleikau (NIFA)               Peter Bretting (ARS)              Chet Boruff (AOSCA)

Tom Burr (ESCOP)                Joe Colletti (ESCOP)

Gary Pederson (ARS)             Eric Young (ED support)



Rita Mumm (NPBA)              Caird Rexroad (ARS)

Ed Knipling (ARS)                Judy St. John (ARS)

Rob Burk (ARS)                   Debbie Sheeley (NIFA, by phone)


1.   Ed Knipling Comments

·         Budget issues are #1 currently

o   Defining core activities

o   Genetic resources are still a primary core function

·         Legislators still ask what is role of government, university and industry

·         Yesterday's amendment to cut ARS's FY 2012 budget by 70% because its activities are viewed by some as duplicative failed by 300-85 vote, but still had 85 House members in favo, which represents a challenge.Fee for services question keeps coming up with respect to providing plant germplasm.     Free and open sharing is still primary principle, so ARS will not charge, even for handling

o   May help to do an analysis to show that charging fees is not cost effective

o   Concept of germplasm as "public good" needs to be emphasized


    2.   Peter Bretting - NPGS Update

·         Powerpoint

·         FY'11 budget for NPGS cut $700,000

·         President FY'12 proposes $3.3 Million increase

·         FY'12 House markup reduces ARS 12%

·         None of the NPGS funding increases which were once considered earmarks were cut because most of them werere-categorized previously as base funds

·         Roundupready Alfalfa was de-regulated in January, 2011

o   Starting new research on gene flow in alfalfa

o   Alfalfa germplasm seed increase may be moved to an isolated site at Central Ferry, WA

o   This has also led to re-establishment of National Genetic Resources Advisory Council

·         GRIN Global will be completed by June 30.  ARS will deploy in late 2011 or early 2012

·         Developing a method to cryopreserve micrographed citrus and other clonally propagated germplasm

·         Review of ARS national program on plant genetic resources will happen in October - November

o   Stakeholder workshop will be held in Beltsville on November 16 (tentative)

o   ARS Scientist workshop will be in spring

·         Last Fall, Senate Foreign Relations Committee voted out of committee the FAO International Treaty, but full Senate did not vote, so it has to start over in committee

·        In  October 2010 the parties to the Convention on Biology Diversity (CBD) adopted the Nagoya Protocol on Access & Benefit Sharing of Genetic Resources

o   Establishes a common set of rules for exchange

o   US is not a member of CBD

·         NPGS cost and demand is increasing and budget is decreasing

o   Maintenance of germplasm collections is still top priority

o   Emergency acquisition of endangered germplasm is also high priority to avoid loss


    3.   AOSCA - Chet Boruff

·         Handout

·         About the same number of new varieties seeking certification but lower portion from public breeders

·         Currently figuring out how to deal with GMO varieties and seed purity

·         Concerned about de-regulation of GMO crops and maintaining purity of all seed types, particularly for organic growers


    4.   PGOC - Gary Pederson

·         Powerpoint

·         2012 PGOC in Pullman, June 7

·         Interested in establishing procedure for acquiring breeders germplasm collections when the breeding program is not continuing

o   National Assoc of Plant Breeders may be able to help communicate when a breeder is retiring or leaving a program

    5.   NIFA & AFRI - Debbie Shelley

·         PowerPoint and PowerPoint

·         Recruiting for Assistant Director for Food Safety and Nutrition,  Budget officer and Office of Planning, Accountability, and Reporting

·         Will not hire Institute Principle Scientists now due to budget cuts

·         AFRI and germplasm

o   Barley and Wheat germplasm for charging climates - CAP grant

·         Future RFA's that involve use of NPGS will have wording that requires involvement of the appropriate curator


    6.   National Genetics Resources Advisory Council - Ed Knipling

·         Handout

·         This Advisory Council is being re-established, original get up by 1990 Farm Bill, but last met in 1999 and has been dormant since then

·         Established following concern in 1980s regarding the NPGS

·         Function and purpose is different than NPGCC, one does not replace the other

·         There should be a connection between the two groups

·         Primary reason to reform NGRAC is GMO alfalfa being de-regulated

·         Need advice from stakeholders on how to handle coexistence of de-regulated GMO crops and non-GMO crops

·         Robert Burk will be the Executive Secretary for NGRAC

·         Nine appointment members, 7 ex-officio, 2/3 appointment members from scientific disciplines, 1/3 from other relevant fields

·         Nominations are due June 30 and Council should be formed by end of July

·         Ex-officio members include representatives from:

o   OSTP, NIH, REE, NSF, DOE, NAL, and NPGS National Program Leader

·         Want to ensure broad representation among appointed members

·         Prefer nominees represent an organization and not be a Federal employee

·         four year appointment with some initial appointments for 2 years to stagger terms

·         Charter of NGRAC has to be renewed every 2 years

·         Appointed member can send a substitute, but they can?t vote

·         Need to send nomination letter and appointment form to Rob Burk by June 30

·         NPGCC will recommend to ESCOP that Lee Summers be nominated to represent ESCOP and NPGCC on the NGRAC


    7.   ASTA - Tim Cupka

·         Working on a better understanding of IP rights and access for research activities


    8.   Wheat MTA - Lee Summers

·         Wheat MTA Handout and Wheat Workers Material

·         Worked out agreement during meeting with AES directors, Tech transfer officers, and industry representatives from CO, OK, TX, and KA

·         Main provision of MTA is that material shared by the members with each other cannot be shared outside the membership for at least 5 years

·         Current members are Colorado State, Oklahoma State, Texas A&M Univ, and Kansas state, which make up a significant portion of the hard red wheat breeding and production


    9.   National Association of Plant Breeders - Rita Mumm

·         PowerPoint

·         Proposed liaison to NPGCC

o   David Baltensperger, TAMU Crop Science Department Head

·         Significant overlap in goals and priorities with NPGCC

·         Approved establishing liaison position for NAPB


    10.   Next meeting in June in Beltsville

·         Eric will check with Peter in December for ARS Administrative Council meeting dates

·         Meeting will be noon to noon starting after the Administrative Council meeting